Hi there, and welcome to Flagon’s Workshop
I’m going to be a bit meandering because that’s how I am, and if you want to know which of my characters I associate with that would be Dio. More on him is coming along with Flagon for whom this place is named.
This place is going to take time to put together, I have a lot of comics I’ve done since 2014 when I started – 10 years ago, my how time flies.
So without further ado let’s get into it!
Flagon Tales #2 Posted Click on the picture or here to read it.
Starting to get comics loaded, for a complete list of them click here or use the top menu
If you are hot after reading the comics they are under the collections page up at the top. I’m likely going to switch that around as I add more, there is only one up there at the moment, and only a few pages of it, I’ll be expanding that greatly.
I do a number of different comics and comic types, graphic novels, plain old text stories, and there will be sections for all those. I’ll change this landing page as I add them.
There is also a lot of history to what I am doing, I’ll be writing that up as blog posts also. This all comes under the heading of:
Ya’ Gotta Start Somewhere!